Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Hi, strangers!

Thanks to the wonders of Time Warner Cable (cough cough) we've been without internet for a month. Hence the not posting.

BUT it's back and that means...

I have a whole lot of catching up to do.

A whole lot has happened in the past month. For instance, my garden grew:

Also, I got a giant street hockey ball shaped bruise:

And, you know, it was summer so, yeah, a whole lotta stuff went down.

I've taken the first step by actually transferring the zillions of pictures from my camera to the computer, so I'll try to actually post said pictures within the next week.

First things first...

Almost a month ago we went out for Debbie's Birthday.

Guess what came out with us?


Katie's roommate works for the Giants and since they won and all, the entire staff got rings. Man, that thing was heavy.

Oh yeah, we also sang karaoke.

And then went to the Slipper Room for some burlesque hosted by a creepy donut man.

Alright, that was just a taste. Much more to come.

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