Thursday, March 29, 2007

An actual mass email our office manager sent out last night...

Hello All,

There was apparently a bleeding accident in the larger of the two single-stall restrooms.

Out of consideration for your fellow co-workers, I implore you to please clean up after yourself or immediately request some assistance.

Please do not leave the restrooms in a condition that you would not like to encounter.

Thank you for your cooperation.

EWW! What?!

I hope whoever had a "bleeding accident" is okay, but I'm glad today is my last day.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

i had the weirdest dream about you last night. the reason why you were changing jobs was because you were pregnant with your 70 year old boss's baby. For some reason the bossman was a super-rich fashion designer, so he was going to be able to give you and the baby good medical coverage and child support.
moral of the story: stay away from geriatric fashion designers if you don't want a baby.