Thursday, August 04, 2005

I am officially falling apart.

1) It occurred to me yesterday that I never got my tax refund in the mail. So, I went on the IRS website and it told me that I needed to know exactly how much I was owed. So I went home last night, fished through my bedside cabinet and found the large white envelope my friend Lisa sent me after preparing my taxes. I open it up and pull out the papers inside and see some lovely stickers on them saying, "SIGN HERE." There are also addressed and stamped envelopes inside. I never sent out my taxes. OOPS. For some reason, when they came in the mail, I opened the envelope, glanced in and thought, "Oh look, Lisa sent me copies of my tax returns, I'll just file these away," without actually pulling the papers out of the envelope and examining them. Needless to say, I am sending these out today.

2) I got a blister on my thumb this morning blow drying my hair. Are you kidding me? I feel ridiculous even admitting this. Apparently my round brush is a bit harsh on the old thumb.

God help me.

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