Sunday, February 12, 2006

Poisoned by food AGAIN! How can the love of my life hurt me so? It was either food poisoning or shopping for bridesmaid gowns literally made me ill...all those poofy seafoam dresses...but my guess is that it was the brunch. Julia's poor boyfriend walked in on me vomiting in the toilet...ah humility.

Sadly, that meant I didn't get to play outside in the snow today, but the snow brought back fond memories of the Blizzard of 2003-- I was a senior at Columbia and I think it was probably the best day I ever had at college. We got all bundled up and went sledding down the steps on an inflatable couch. So much fun. Here's what the snow looked like from inside my house...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

columbia is all about the freaky weather days. my best day ever was during the hurricane of 2000 - playing mud football in our underwear and washing off in the fountain.