Sunday, November 12, 2006

My mom says I'm special.

I must say, this was a refreshing weekend. For once, I didn't have fourteen thousand plans before the weekend started, just the usual extracurriculars. FC Kitchen Sink won Friday night, WHICH means we will be playing in the CHAMPIONSHIP game! Not too shabby seeing as though a year ago half of us had never played soccer before. Darryl and the Strawberries (softball) weren't so lucky...we came in last in our league. Ah well, we had fun.

I feel like lately I've been dictating plans and making the Columbia gals trek out to Brooklyn a lot, SO, Saturday night I went on up to Stacy and Steph's hood for some Dino BBQ, YUM!, and a 'lil poker tournament. We had to sit outside (or else wait three hours for a table) so we wore Gabe's helmets for warmth. That and they just made us look so darn awesome.

I've been doing some weird things with my face lately. Maybe I'll become the next Jim Carrey...No? Fine then.

I got completely drenched coming home from softball in the rain today, so I made some chili and now I have lunch for the rest of the week. Leftovers happen to be one of my favorite things.

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