Thursday, January 12, 2006

Okay, so this guy in my office just announced that his wife is pregnant. Great! Except this got me's kind of a weird thing when a coworker's going to have a baby. Cause normally you would definitely NOT discuss this person's sex life with them. It would, in fact, be wholly inappropriate to be like, "Hey, dude, how are you? Do you and your wife have sex regularly?" But in the case of a pregnancy, it is just fair game. It's all, "So, have you been trying?" "Yeah, we've been trying for a while" "That's great!" TRYING means HAVING SEX. Replace "trying" with "having sex" in those last sentences and you get really naughty workplace conversation. It's like when Kirk's wife had a baby and all our coworkers kept asking if his wife's nipples were sore and recommended things for him to rub on her nipples. That's just WEIRD people. Weird.

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