Monday, October 09, 2006

My Weekend Stats:

2: Number of softball games I played in.
0: Number of softball games my team won.
1: Number of soccer games I played in.
3: Number of sports games I watched.
2: Number of games with a victorious score of 6 to 0 (Tigers & FC Kitchen Sink).
0: Number of games the Yankees have left in the season (go Tigers!).
45: Number of bruises on my body.
1: Number of sketch shows I performed in.
1: Number of sketch shows I attended.
3: Number of loads of laundry I did.
1: Number of home cooked dinners I attended.
0: Number of Canadian Thanksgiving dinners I attended (damn traffic!).

All of this adds up to a whole lot of tired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Umm, next year if you are serious about doing Canadian Thanksgiving, you know you have a standing invitation to come and see me. I will not cook, but I know some great places to get a homecooked meal around here. *Giggles*